Sharing God's Love, Shining God's Light
Session is made up of six ruling elders and ordained Teaching elder (minister). They meet once a month to oversee the work of the church and make decisions on behalf of the congregation. Each year a new class of elders is elected to serve a three year term.
The Session of FPC commits to
We promise to put God first in our lives.
We commit to pray for the church and the Session regularly.
We promise to support the decisions of the Session, whether it reflects our view or not.
We will seek to serve the people of this church with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love
Worship - Sharing God's Love - This is our time to connect with God.
Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless God’s holy name. ” Psalm 103:1
Our heartbeat can be found in weekly worship, where we join together as the body of Christ, hear the Word proclaimed, and experience the Sacraments. It is the largest gathering of our community, in both body and in spirit. Thus, it is a special time to teach and learn, to speak and listen, to breathe and hope. It's in this time we receive the sacraments and order ourselves in connection with God's Word.
Our Choir Director, Organist, and Chancel Choir provide our regular musical leadership. We also welcome other musicians to provide leadership through special music throughout the year.
Our members and pastor leads us in services of worship occurring in all seasons: Advent to Christmas Eve, Lent to Easter, summer worship, blessing services, memorials, and wholeness and healing services. This is a way of helping to infuse a spirit of worship and prayer into our everyday lives.
Mission and Outreach - Shining God's Light - It is our time to give to God’s people.
The Lord has told us what is good. What he requires of us is this: to do what is just, to show constant love, and to live in humble fellowship with our God.” Micah 6:8
We are members of the larger, connectional church, so mission goes way beyond our front doors. We support the work of our local Presbytery of Winnebago, synod and General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We participate in special offerings throughout the year, from One Great Hour of Sharing to Christmas Joy.
To be a missional church is to be the living body of Christ. If worship is our heartbeat, the work of our hands is our veins. The Mission and Outreach team will oversee all mission projects and make recommendations to local and global projects for the church to participate in. We continue to host Community Meals to the public as a way to open our hearts and doors to our neighbors. We offer support through the Back to School Fair, send food to the WAAC, and provide items on the mitten tree. We also provide service to the community through volunteering. This ministry team is also responsible for our churches image on Social media, and internet presence.
Faith Formation - Sharing God's Love - It is our time to learn about God.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. Colossians 3:16
Christian Education is like exercise for the soul. At FPC, we grow together and empower together using a multigenerational approach. One of the main vocations of the church is to help each other develop a stronger sense of calling, a stronger understanding of faith, and a stronger will for action and reflection: through spirituality and doctrine, identity and mission. There are many opportunities to grow in faith through Food, Faith, and Fellowship nights, book studies, and creative expression of the arts through spiritual practices. The education ministry team in in charge of growing and developing the Christian Education programs in the church.
Member Care - Sharing God’s Light - It is our time to see God in one another.
“I know that there is nothing better for them than to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live; moreover, it is God’s gift that all should eat and drink and take pleasure in all their toil.” -Eccl. 3:12-13
At First Presbyterian, we take the practices of fellowship, renewal, peace, and belonging– and move them beyond Sunday morning worship. We become family for one another, expressing hospitality from Communion Table to dinner table, welcoming the strangers, the travelers, the neighbors, and even our enemies. Through potlucks, special dinners, events, and weekly fellowship, we live into the Kingdom of God and help one another grow into our vocation as Christians. We as a church have joined the mission “We Choose Welcome” and seek radical hospitality within our church family. Following in this practice the member care Team oversees the needs of the church members, keeping in contact with our members, shut-ins, and offering support as needed. And is task with enriching our sense of hospitality and Christian fellowship.
Worship at 9:00 am
Fellowship at 10:00 am